2024 has already proven itself to be a year where members of the ABC Arrows take on marathons, either for the very first time, or in an attempt to achieve marathon-running goals.
On March 10th, ABC trainers Andrew Burton and Jude Gray, alongside ABC member, Nicola Smart, completed their very first official marathon in Barcelona. Their efforts raised over £2000 for Alice House Hospice in memory of Jude’s friend, Jane, who had passed away on 8th March 2023.
Then, on April 7th, Emma Hewling flew the flag for Teesside by being one of 54,000 runners in the Paris Marathon. In previous years, Emma has completed marathons in Edinburgh, New York and Berlin. She also completed the London Virtual Marathon and impressively conquered two ultras and a double ultra!
Finally, a little closer to home, Melissa Crute ran the Manchester Marathon on April 14th, beating her London Marathon time by a massive 33 minutes! Lots more runs are planned for 2024 by these and many other ABC members. Looking forward to seeing people achieve their goals but most of all having amazing experiences.