Stephen Firman
Having trained with Andy for more than 6 years and being a founding member at ABC since it’s creation, my life has taken a direction I did not expect it to. After Andy coached me back from a life changing injury, ABC has provided a safe, encouraging atmosphere that now is enjoyed by both my wife and children. We have made many new friendships through ABC and enjoyed activities that we would otherwise not have thought we were capable of doing. The positive impact ABC has had in our lives is immense and with the constant improvements that the facility benefits from, it is and always would be, the gym I would encourage anyone to begin their fitness journey at or continue their training moving forward, as it is unique in what it provides as a fitness facility.
Jenny Firman
When I joined ABC four and a half years ago I was much heavier and lacking in gym confidence having not really been in one before. I wouldn’t have come to ABC either had I not met Andy at the outside bootcamps he used to do. He encouraged me to come and give it a go and along with Stephen, my husband, we joined up. I’ve had PT with Andy since joining and he has taught me loads of different techniques. I’ve always said I wouldn’t just come to the gym on my own as I just wouldn’t push myself like Andy and the other PTs do. The classes are great as well. We’re all a big team and we have a laugh while training which makes it much less painful. As a gym it is very friendly – far different from most places. It’s also a very family-orientated gym as children can come along and watch upstairs while the parents train. This was a massive help to me when my kids were younger as one of us wouldn’t have been able to train if they couldn’t come along. Now my eldest trains with us in the classes and I’m sure when she’s a bit older my daughter will join in as well. Overall, it’s probably the best decision I’ve ever made to join up as the place has certainly changed my life. It’s made me more active and much more health-conscious. Thank you Andy and the whole team for everything you do.
Will Firman
I started abc about 3 years ago when I was 12. I was getting some pt sessions from Andy to help me with my gymnastics training. I did this for around 3 months along side my gym training resulting in me reaching the national finals. Andys training helped hugely as I ended up winning and becoming British champion in my age range. After that I started doing the abc classes at home during lockdown with my parents and sister. Since then I now join in metcon on a Saturday morning with my parents and sometimes during the week as well if I have no athletics training. As a result of all the training at abc I’ve gained strength which is now helping me with my athletics. I enjoy training at abc because we have a laugh and I’m treated as one of the family as I have grown up among it.