When I first joined ABC in the summer of 2020, I was unfit, unhealthy, not living to my full potential, and when I look back, I had 0 confidence. I started training, I had plans to join the Royal Navy, no disrespect to them, but I chose that because it was an easier route. Deep down I wanted to be a Royal Marines Commando, an elite amphibious soldier. For months I lifted weights and trained purely for aesthetics, I got into shape, but I wasn’t fit. I remember speaking to Andy, and he explained about the different styles of training and this caused me to look more into becoming fit. Being able to perform, an athlete really. After I changed my training, I saw changes in fitness, and one day, I emailed the Royal Navy and changed my application to become a Marine. It seemed impossible. I trained, and although I doubted myself, I passed the fitness test. This gave me a real confidence boost, and I started training like my life depended on it. On the 4th January 2022, I attended Commando Training Centre Royal Marines, and took part in the PRMC. The course was 4 days. 42 lads attended, under half passed. Passing this was monumental for me. I have just found out I’m back at Lympstone in April, to take part in the world’s most gruelling and longest infantry training course. Without the people in ABC that inspired me, my best friends Alfie and Tyler who I train with, the PTs that helped me, and one PT in particular, Adam Laverick, who has had many a chat with me about my mental health and checking up on me, I wouldn’t be where I’m at. Thank you ABC.

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